We supply companies within the iron, metal and plastics industries. What sets us apart from other suppliers is that our products are manufactured through a network of quality Chinese factories. We employ a unique sourcing concept strengthened through a mix of western expertise, competent Chinese manufacturers and extensive experience within production and trade.

Link Industries manufactures industrial products based on customer-specific drawings or samples. The best manufacturer for each new product is carefully selected from our local network. Our manufacturers are quality Chinese factories that conform to Western requirements on standards and certifications.

We are fully accountable for the entire production process. We manage the entire flow, from the first sample and order processing to customer delivery. Our quality assurance ensures that our customers receive on-time deliveries that always meet specifications. Our broad network also ensures that we can always offer the most competitive prices.


Our concept at Link Industries is to guarantee a strict standard of quality through set procedures and comprehensive inspections. This is why we focus on expertise, precision and responsibility within our Chinese network.

Quality is ensured by preparing requirement specifications for the individual products in close cooperation with our customers and suppliers. This involves the specification of the necessary requirements and tolerances so that the product conforms to the required capabilities and quality. Subsequently, production samples are always prepared for approval, prior to commencement of manufacturing.

When manufacturing begins, our engineers in China conduct a series of ongoing inspections. If a product needs to be worked using several processes, a check is performed after each process. This ensures that any faults are detected early in the production process so they can be corrected without delaying delivery. Before the goods are shipped, the packaging is inspected and an inspection list is prepared.